Northshore's Sweet Irish Cream " Bailey"

I`m happy to announce our latest addition, Bailey. She is out of Tango and Bella. She has an absolutely gorgeous coat that is modified silk and is thick, thick, thick. She is 6.5 lbs and carries for the parti gene. She is out of a litter of 5 and should be a magnificent producer. This little girl captured your attention from the get go, with an abundance of personality, Playful as the day is long and silly, silly, silly. And yes she has the"Tango tongue" just like her daddy.
Northshore`s Rubber "Bandi"

Bandi Is AKC registered out of Tango and Bella. Bandi has big Doe eyes and a modified silk coat . Her personality is totally playful and silly just like her daddy. Bandi carries the parti gene and weighs in at just under 5 lbs. This little girl will be dynamite as a producer.
Northshore`s "Bella Donna"

A Sister to Daphne, yes another one of Mr. Gabriel`s girls. This Girl has Solid features, square cobby body, a dead-level topline, and perfect movement just like her daddy.
Strong and solid in a 6.5 lb package.
She carries for parti and has a gorgeous face
Northshore's Always in Bloom

Rosie, out of Rio and Gabriel is drop dead gorgeous with a true silk coat weighing in at 6 lbs. She is super intelligent and even more headstrong than her mother. Out of a litter of 6, she should be a great producer.
Northshore`s Foxy "Roxy"

Meet Miss Roxy, one of Tango`s last puppies out of Rosie. She is super sweet and highly intelligent like her mother, but just like her mother very timid and does not like to be photographed. She is 6lbs and should be a magnificent producer